
I’m doing a machine learning project for the bank recently. As traditional bank project, it has extremely isolated develop environment. The develop environment consists of client PC and develop server with local network but machine cannot be connected to internet. Also, There is no exposed port except ssh port(22) for devleopment. Port opening is possible but it takes serveral days for bank’s security issue. Like my situation, there are many projects which have retricted network environment but you need to use jupyter notebook. Then, check this out.

How to

There is technique called ssh-tunnneling. It allows us to use any remote server’s program using only ssh port(default port 22).

  1. Fisrt run jupyter notebook
    user@server$ jupyter notebook
  2. Make ssh tunnnel between client and server
    user@client$ ssh -N -f -L localhost:8888:localhost:8888 user@server
  3. Open browser. Enjoy!

