
Thesedays, I have been watching Andrew NG’s machine learning videos from coursera. It was awsome, so I try to write a lecture note of it on my blog.

Evaluating A Learning Algorithm

1. Deciding what to try next

Typical actions, when it has large error.

  1. Get more training examples.
    • There are one thing you should know. Sometimes, getting more data doesn’t acctually help.
  2. Try smaller sets of features.
  3. Try getting additional features.
  4. Try adding polynomial features. (\(x_1^2, x_2^2, x_1 x_2, etc\))
  5. Try decreasing or decreasing regularization parameter lambda

There are many people that choose one of actions randomly above to increase performance. Dignotics of a algorithm gives you a insight of choosing which action you should do next.

2. Evaluating a hypothesis

  1. Split dataset to training set, cross validation set, and test set.
  2. Compute training error.
  3. Compute test error.
  4. Computer misclassification error.

3. Model selection and Train/Valid/Test sets

  1. Typical split of dataset ratio : 0.6(train set), 0.2(cross validation set), 0.2(test set)

  2. How to select model?

    1. train several model with train set.
    2. choose best model based on cross validation error.

A model is fitted to train and cross validation set only, therefore calculation of test error of the model represents generalization error.